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The Black Watch Slipper

11:30 pm. You have a flight leaving Heathrow at 6:30 the next morning. You decide to go out with some friends. But only for a few hours and two drinks max.

1:45 am. You are standing at the bar, four drinks in, when some dubious character comes up to you and asks if you would like to step outside and try his home-brewed ‘moonshine.’ “Certainly not,” you tell him, askance.

1:50 am. “I thought you could only get moonshine in the mountains of West Virginia!” you exclaim delightedly, swigging from a jar with your new friend. You resolve to go home in ten minutes, without stopping for food on the way.

3:00 am. You climb into bed with a leaky kebab. You will take a restoring shower in the morning; it will make you alert for your flight.

You may be misbehaving, making poor decisions, embarrassing yourself in public… but you still need shoes. Allow us to suggest Arthur Sleep’s Black Watch Slippers to keep you safe on your journey. Poor judgement has never looked so chic.
